Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flattening My World

Some days, something unexpected happens.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Let me clarify two things: 1. I love educational technology.  2. I believe that education must adapt to our students.

Prior to leaving the classroom, I was fortunate enough to find Edmodo.  It was love at first sight.  The ease of adoption was fantastic.  Kids loved it.  Assignments, communication, polls, communities, connecting with other teachers and other features made this a tool I have to have.  Since I was in a lab setting, this tool made everyday fun!  The kids always wanted a poll everyday when they came into class and let me know when I forgot.  Discussions were in depth and facilitated easily with the tools provided through Edmodo.

I've presented on Edmodo to various groups across Missouri.  At each conference, I win "converts" to the Edmodo platform.  However, I had never had the opportunity to attend a conference session on Edmodo myself.  It was my fault as the support and webinars offered by Edmodo were constantly on the calendar.  I had just never made the time to really listen.

Until yesterday.  EdmodoCon2011 flattened my world for 11 hours.  From the very first of the conference until the wrap-up session, I was engrossed.  The presenters were amazing.  From my cubicle, I shouted "YES" as Nic Borg told us quizzes would be added.  My workday ended, but I stayed until that session was over, only to run to my car, race home and catch the next session.  From my couch, I listened to my new Australian friends describe how Edmodo had transformed their teaching too, and I knew, truly, the world is flat.

To be a part of a conference that was so interactive was quite simply AMAZING.  From 50 countries and 49 US states, we listened, we chatted, we interacted on the community site, and we tweeted.  We were one.  We were all.

In the post-EdmodoCon2011 Twitterverse and community group this morning, a new term was coined.  Educational Woodstock.  I am so proud that I was there.  I am so happy that I have made new connections.  I am thrilled to be a part, however small, of the Edmodo community!

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